My first thoughts on signing up for a MOOC

After reading Laurillard (2014),  Five myths about MOOCs I am writing below my first thoughts on signing up for a MOOC.

Actually, my thoughts are written /expressed in a form of questions that need to be answered in order to make the big step.

  1. Are MOOCs really free of cost or is it a myth?
  2. If answer to the above question is YES then who pays the costs for the design/development/implementation of the course/s,  at which benefit/advantage and why?
  3. Who will support me during the course, when and how? Will I have any support from any tutor or other learners or I will be left/feel alone and lonely?
  4. What is the educational level of other learners taking the same course with me? Do they have any college/university degree or are there any prerequisites in signing in/enroll in a MOOC provider/course?
  5. Will I be able to start and finish a MOOC course with the same enthusiasm as if I would have in a classroom or eLearning platform environment?
  6. Are the Verified Certificates or Honor Code Certificates that a learner ‘gain’ after completing a MOOC course recognized globally and how? Are they recognized as college/university level certificates?

Even though I mentioned all the above thoughts/questions I would like to inform you that today I signed in Edx Dashboard platform and I was enrolled in the course ILX1 Inclusive Leadrship Training: Becoming a Successful Leader. Later on I did the same with Coursera platform and I was enrolled in a course about Gamification. It is True – I like challenges!